Summary: The Caloran are nomadic tribal people who follow the Code of Calor which was crafted long ago by their ancestors. Calorans appear very similarly to humans, it is nearly impossible to tell a Caloran from a human if they bear no distinctly Caloran items. Calorans are brought before the tribe’s seer shortly after birth, this decides the Caloran’s future in the tribe, if they even have one. Caloran can be split into four distinct classes, the hunter, the runner, the forger, and the exile. The Hunter’s are the Caloran warrior class, they are the strongest fighters and expert hunters. The Hunter class has several roles, but the most critical of them is to protect the tribe, some hunters eventually become known as Vangar. Vangar are the greatest Caloran warriors, they often leave the tribe to journey the surrounding area to form alliances for the clan or deal with threats before they can harm the clan. Warriors serve the clan until death and all of them follow the Code of Vangar as well as the Code of Calor.The runners are scouts and gatherers, who ensure the clan is well supplied with raw materials. The Forger class is the rarest class of the Caloran, the eldest Forger in the clan is given the rank of Seer. The Forgers build Caloran tech and are taught the lore of the ancient Calorans. The Exile class are exiled from the clan and are sent away to a place of prophecy to live. Calorans appear in many different locations throughout the universe, wherever they are found in the universe they seek a return to their ancestral home: Calor.
Size: Medium
Homeworld: Calor